Who We Are?

Skills for Logistics aims to address the skills gap within the logistics industry. We are the largest sector specialist organisation with an extensive customer base, enjoying a 25% market share in logistics apprenticeship assessments working with the largest training providers and employers in the country, and specialising in logistics, transport, supply chain, and procurement.

We support the sectors through apprenticeship training consultancy, B+E (car and trailer training) accreditation, and addressing skills gaps with FE colleges. We also support the End-Point Assessment Organisation, VTCT, with industry expertise and sector guidance.

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End-Point Assessment


The End-Point Assessment (EPA) is an independent and objective assessment which takes place at the end of the apprentice's training.

Skills for Logistics provides unrivalled, quality-approved support to apprentices, employers, and training providers throughout the End-Point Assessment process.

Our End-Point Assessments are delivered by VTCT, a government-registered End-Point Assessment Organisation (EPAO).

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Our Services

FE Colleges Skills Programme

To give the UK the best chance of success following the COVID-19 pandemic and our …

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B+E Accreditation


Skills for Logistics has been approved by the Drivers Vehicle & Standards Agency (DVSA) as an accrediting body to accredit training centres specialising in B+E (car and trailer) training to provide motorists with the skills, knowledge, and competencies to tow safely.

How to apply Find an accredited centre


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